Saturday, January 31, 2009

East Coast Trip - Get ready to walk!

Our East Coast Trip is now 62 days away and now is a good time to get out and stretch those legs. We walk about four to six miles each day in this trip--through museums, up and down the National Mall in DC, along the battlefields of Gettysburg, and through the big-city streets of Philadelphia and New York City. Even the most physically-active students can get worn out by the amount of walking in our trip.

I encourage all our East Coast Trip families to take advantage of our beautiful weather to take a family walk two or three days a week. If you really feel the need to get a special new pair of shoes for the trip, get them now and start breaking them in. On every trip I've done, there's always one student asking for band-aids to patch up blistered heels from a new pair of shoes. Don't let it be you!

While on the subject of footwear, we will have one special dress-up night in New York City when we see our Broadway show. Again, consider a nice, but sensible pair of shoes for this evening. If you wear cute little strappy high-heels, it's likely your feet will be both cold and in pain by the time the evening is over. In the next few days, look for me to send out a more comprehensive list of what to pack. In the meantime, get out there and start walking!

Mr. Ippolito

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