Friday, May 28, 2010

11 spots left - When you can still bring your reg materials in

We have 34 registered travelers now, and only 11 spots remain.  If you would like to personally hand me your registration materials, here are the remaining days in the school year and when I will be around:

TUESDAY, JUNE 1 - Team Yukon picnic
I will be at school until brunch, then leaving for the Yukon picnic.  I will return at 1:45 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 - Eighth Grade Disneyland Trip
I'm here in the early morning, but REALLY busy getting 600 eighth graders successfully loaded onto buses and headed down to Disneyland.  I will then be leaving myself for the Happiest Place on Earth!

THURSDAY, JUNE 3 - Last day of school
I will be on campus all day.  It will be a little busy with all the eighth grade activities, but the best time to find me in my classroom is before school or at brunch.

FRIDAY, JUNE 4 - Only staff on campus
This will be the final day I will be at school, and I plan to be there from approximately 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon.  If you are waiting until next Friday, I urge you to check with me before you come visit to make sure I'll be there, and to make sure there is still space on the trip.


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Thursday, May 27, 2010

13 spots left

32 registered and only 13 spots left as of Thursday, 5/27.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

East Coast Trip over half-way full

The 2011 East Coast Trip is over half-way full now (24 registered, 21 spots left), and I imagine the trip will fill either by the end of next week, or sometime in early summer.

This will be my final broadcast e-mail that I send out to my mailing list. The school year is almost done, and I don't want to continue to bother families. If you would like to stay informed on trip status, or if you are still trying to make a decision about whether or not to have your child attend, you can get all the latest information online in one of three ways:

My website -
Facebook -
Twitter -

You are also welcome to contact me personally via e-mail at or by voice/text at (661) 347-4990. If you're ready to sign up, you can register online with USA Student Travel and then simply download, sign, and return the Student Agreement Form to me in Room B-7. Visit my website for both of those links.

All the best,
Ron Ippolito

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

24 spaces left for 2011 trip

We have 21 travelers now signed up for the East Coast Trip, which means we're almost half-way full. My guess is that we will be full or close to full by the end of this school year, next Thursday, June 3.

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

East Coast Trip 2011 – 28 spots left

If you attended our East Coast Trip parent information meeting this past Monday, you saw what an exciting educational opportunity this is! We already have 17 registered travelers, which means that 28 spots remain.

If you were unable to attend the meeting, please check out the PowerPoint I presented. It’s available on my website at Then have your child pick up a registration packet from me in my classroom. Included in the packet you will find:

- A green sheet with a sample itinerary on one side and travel insurance information on the other. If you’d like more information on insurance options, I just posted a blog entry about insurance on my website.
- A white sheet with red and blue print.
It has pricing information on one side, and the terms and conditions and tear-off registration form on the other side.
- A pre-addressed envelope to send in your registration to USA Student Travel.
- A white Student Agreement Form that includes all the trip rules.

If you are ready to register your child for the trip, here’s what you do:

- Fill out the registration form and place it in the pre-addressed envelope along with a check for $150 payable to USA Student Travel. If you choose to pay with credit card, please note there is a one-time $25 credit card processing fee. Paying this fee one time will enable you to make any or all trip payments with a credit card, and will also enable you to make online payments directly with USA.

- Put a stamp on the envelope and send it in OR have your child give it to me and I’ll put a stamp on it and send it in.

- Read and sign the Student Agreement Form and have your child return this form directly to me. This lets me know you and your child are fully aware of all the trip rules.

USA Student Travel has just launched their secure online registration portal.
If you don’t even want to bother getting paperwork from me, and you know you want your child on this trip, you can now register online. Log onto and click on the “Register Now” tab in the top right corner. Your child could be registered in five minutes!

You also still need to fill out and sign my Student Agreement Form, but you can download that here: Simply print it, sign it, and give it to me before school gets out June 3.

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at or call/text me at (661) 347-4990.

The difference between specific insurance and "cancel for any reason" insurance

The travel insurance options can be confusing, so here is (hopefully) a better explanation of these two options.

SPECIFIC INSURANCE costs $149. It is helpful for specific reasons such as illness or injury that would prevent your child from attending the trip. For example, if your child breaks his ankle the week before the trip and is no longer able to attend, you would get 100% of your trip money back (except what you paid for insurance). It is (as the name suggests) specific, which means it covers limited, unforeseen circumstances for which you may be required to provide documentation (a doctor's note, for example). You can pay for a specific insurance policy anytime between now and the final payment due date (the January before the trip). Under this policy, a claim can be made up to the day of the trip. If your child wakes up the morning we are scheduled to depart and has the flu, under this policy you are covered.

CANCEL FOR ANY REASON insurance costs $199. It includes all the coverage described in SPECIFIC INSURANCE, but this $50 upgrade also entitles you to cancel for any reason up to 48 hours prior to departure. In order to purchase this policy, you MUST pay for it up front when you pay your initial deposit, meaning your first payment to USA must be $349 ($150 deposit + $199 for the insurance). This coverage may be helpful if, for example, your child is an actor and may get a role between now and the trip. It also may be helpful if you make a deal with your child to maintain a certain GPA in order to be eligible for the trip. If there is a potential issue you can foresee now that would make it so your child would be unable to go on the trip, then Cancel for any Reason insurance may be a good choice for you. If you need to make a Cancel For Any Reason claim, you would get 75% of your trip money back.

Hope this helps! There is a complete explanation of all the details on the USA Student Travel website here:

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Monday, May 17, 2010

East Coast Trip 2011 - Parent Information Meeting follow-up

Click here to download:
eastcoast 2011.ppsx (871 KB)

It was great to see everyone at tonight's meeting. We had about 80 students and parents this evening, and we already have four students signed up to join us on the 2011 trip.

If you were unable to make it to tonight's meeting, and you are interested in having your child attend this trip, you need to do two things:

1. Check out the PowerPoint presentation link at the top of this post to see what you missed.

2. Send your son or daughter to my classroom (Room B-7) to get a registration packet. This registration packet will include important information about optional travel insurance, the registration form, and a pre-addressed envelope to mail your registration and deposit. Before sealing your envelope, please note that you have the choice to make payments by check or credit card. If you make any (or all) payments by credit card, there is a one-time credit card processing fee of $25. Once you have sealed that envelope, you can put a stamp on it and put it right in the mail, or give it to your child to give to me, and I'll put a stamp on it and put it in the mail.

If you have any questions, e-mail me at I will not have another in-person meeting again until Back-to-School Night in September, and that's only if the trip doesn't fill before that time. Therefore, please contact me as soon as possible if you would like to chat in person.


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East Coast Trip 2011 Information Meeting

Find out about the opportunity of a lifetime: the eighth grade spring break East Coast Trip! We will hold an information meeting for both students and parents for the 2011 trip on Monday, May 17, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rio Norte MPR.

I asked this year's parents, "What advice would you offer parents who are considering whether or not to send their child on this trip in the future?" Here's what some of the parents said:

“This is a trip well worth every penny and much more! I don't know if I would send my child on just any school trip. Mr. Ippolito and USA Student Travel made this trip fun, safe, educational and they really thought of everything!”

“I feel this trip was a great experience for my child and well worth it. It was very educational and a learning experience, but yet lots of fun. I plan on sending my other child on this trip in two years, as long as Mr. Ippolito is planning on going again.”

“Don't think twice. You will never second guess sending your child on this trip of a lifetime. Mr. Ippolito is hands down the right person to send your child across the country with.”

“Do what you can to make it happen. Travel like this is always an investment in your child's future. They will appreciate it and grow from the experience."

I look forward to seeing you at the Parent Information Meeting. If you have any questions in advance, please contact me at or call/text me at (661) 347-4990.

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

East Coast Trip 2011 - Final meeting reminder

This is just a quick final reminder that our Parent/Student Information Meeting for the 2011 East Coast Trip is happening this coming Monday, May 17, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rio Norte MPR. I look forward to seeing you there. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Mr. Ippolito

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

East Coast Trip 2011 - Helping your family raise funds for this once-in-a-lifetime experience

In my last e-mail, I suggested you seek out ways to get online donations to help pay for your child's trip. Well, I followed my own advice and after careful research I am pleased to announce that I am partnering with Donor Town Square to provide your friends and family members an opportunity to make secure online donations toward your child’s trip. Donor Town Square specializes in online fundraising for non-profit groups. Best of all, they do this with no up-front cost or monthly fee. They simply charge a percentage (6% for Visa/MC/Discover, 7% for AmEx) on each donation for their service.

In the traditional method of asking for donations for a trip like this, families often mail out a form letter along with a pre-addressed, stamped return envelope to the child’s aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, family friends, etc. Doing it this way, there is the cost for the letter, the envelopes, the stamp to send it out and the stamp for the return, the drive to the post office, and the drive to the bank every time you need to deposit your checks. If you send out 50 letters (for example), at a total cost of $50, and that brings in $500 in total donations, your net return is 90%, and I think those numbers are optimistic.

Now, imagine you sent out an e-mail (which you could also customize to each family member and friend more easily than a letter) asking for a donation online. It costs you nothing up front, you didn't use any paper (go green!), and your net return is now 93-94%. Plus, you didn’t have to fold any letters, lick any envelopes, or do any driving at all. Instead, you spent one evening helping your child craft a thoughtful, sincere e-mail and you clicked “Send.”

I know the economy has had an impact on many families (including my own), and the question I get at every information meeting is, “Will you offer any kind of fundraisers?” I’ve been reluctant in the past because I simply feel like selling cookie dough, or frozen pizzas, or wrapping paper, or candy bars ultimately means a lot of work and time for not a lot of return. I have finally found a fundraiser that I can get excited about and whole-heartedly endorse.

Participation in the online donation program is optional, and again there is no cost at all for families to sign up. I’ll talk more about this--and about all the amazing things we will see and do in our nation’s most treasured places--at our Parent/Student Information Meeting, Monday, May 17, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rio Norte MPR. I look forward to seeing you in nine days!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

East Coast Trip 2011 Parent Information Meeting – Monday, May 17

It’s hard to believe it’s already May and summer break is just around the corner. As such, I am already gearing up for the eighth grade trip to the East Coast for Spring Break 2011. USA Student Travel and I are sponsoring our Parent Information Night on Monday, May 17, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rio Norte MPR.

At this meeting you’ll hear from me (the teacher coordinator for the trip), our representative from the tour company, and real eighth grade students who just completed their East Coast adventure last month. This will also be your first opportunity to register for the tour (we do have some parents who will bring their checkbook and sign up that night). We’ll answer just about every question you have during the presentation; however, here are some questions parents often ask in advance of the meeting:

Q: Is this meeting for students as well?

A: Definitely. Both parent and student need to be excited about, and committed to, this trip in order for it to be successful. During the part of the meeting where we’re talking about making payments, travel insurance, and other “boring adult stuff,” my current eighth graders will take next year’s eighth graders aside and they’ll have their own special presentation. So, mandatory for students? No. Strongly encouraged? Yes.

Q: Where are you going on the trip?

A: We will visit four major destinations: Washington DC, Gettysburg, Philadelphia, and New York City. We see and do an incredible of amount of historic sites, museums, shows, presentations, and landmarks during our six days.

Q: This trip sounds cool! Are parents allowed to go?

A: Yes, but in limited numbers. I am scheduled right now to have four teachers (including myself) attend the trip. This makes our student-to-teacher ratio about 11:1. In addition, we have a full-time tour guide and coach driver with us at all times, making the student-to-adult ratio closer to 7:1.

However, it is nice to have a few more adults to make that ratio even lower. I typically have no more than three parents attend with us so we can maximize the space available for kids. All parents sign up on a “stand-by” basis (meaning they’re not guaranteed a spot right away). I give preference to parents who have professional experience that can be helpful on the trip (teachers, firefighters, police, EMTs, nurses, etc). Finally, all parents who attend must be “low-maintenance” (I ask the seventh grade teachers) and must be physically able to handle the rigors of the trip. I don’t ask parents to handle discipline or resolve conflicts, but I do expect each parent to be a fully-participating, responsible adult and role model on the trip and in the unlikely event of an emergency, I need cool heads who will help keep our kids safe.

Q: Do parents pay to go?

A: Yes, they do. I reserve the complimentary spaces for my teacher chaperones. Parents pay a higher rate than the students because the student rate is based on quad-occupancy (four to a room) and parents are double-occupancy (two to a room).

Q: How much does the trip cost?

A: I don’t know yet, and won’t know until the night of the presentation when our representative brings all our registration materials. However, I can tell you that the cost of the 2010 tour was $2,155, and it’s natural to expect an annual increase that roughly matches the rate of inflation (typical increase would be between $50 and $75 each year). I can also tell you that the money is not all due at one time. USA Student Travel requires an up-front, non-refundable deposit (typically $150). That deposit reserves your child’s spot on the trip. If the payment schedule is the same as it has been in years past, you will need to pay a minimum of $100 per month, with the final payment due in January.

Q: Wow! That sounds like a lot of money. Seriously?

A: You’re absolutely right; it is a lot of money. That is why before placing your deposit, you need to sit down with your child and determine if he/she is ready for this level of responsibility and freedom. The cost of this trip includes all meals, admissions, air and ground transportation, shows, attractions—everything except snacks and souvenirs and I politely ask for $15 separately so we can tip our tour guide, coach driver, and housekeeping. You could literally send your child with no money at all, and he or she wouldn’t miss a thing. At the meeting, you’ll learn about the entire “bang for your buck” that you get.

Q: Is financial aid or scholarship money available?

A: Because this is neither a school- nor or district-sponsored trip, there are no funding sources available within the school. All money is raised by the students and their families.

Q: What types of fundraising options are available?

A: Again, because this is not a school-sponsored trip, our ability to fundraise on campus is limited. However, I have seen a number of successful approaches for individual fundraising that can significantly reduce a family’s out-of-pocket contribution. Students from past trips have organized neighborhood recycling drives that have raise hundreds of dollars. Many students write a letter or an e-mail to family and friends asking for donations, often in place of what they may have otherwise received for birthday or holiday gifts. There are also a number of online resources available now that enable family and friends to give donations electronically, including PayPal, Google Checkout, and others. You can find out more information by searching for “collect online donations” in any online search. There are also the more “old school” methods by simply going out and babysitting or mowing lawns (those methods of fundraising still work!).

We will discuss these and a number of other topics at the parent meeting on Monday, May 17. I look forward to seeing you there!


Mr. Ippolito

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