Friday, March 19, 2010

Thanks again for a great pre-departure meeting!

Dear parents and students,

Thanks so much for the great meeting this evening.
Here are a couple things we discussed at tonight’s meeting that I told you I would post to my website:

1. Luggage tag samples (now available as my most current blog entry)

2. Parent’s Guide to Twitter (listed under Helpful Links and Downloads)

I also told you I would once again give you my personal cell phone number and the emergency, 24-hour USA Student Travel number for your child to program into his/her cell phone. Again, calling either of these phone numbers from your child’s cell phone while on tour should be like a “flare gun” and only be used in an emergency, not simply for, “Hey, Mr. Ippolito, what time do we meet back on the bus?” or “Mr. Ippolito, do you like your venti green iced tea from Starbucks with or without syrup?” The answer is “without,” by the way.

Here they are:

Mr. Ippolito’s personal cell phone:
see e-mail for details

USA Student Travel 24-Hour Toll-Free Hotline
(877) 202-6099


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