Sunday, April 5, 2009

I need your help


We are having such a great time on our tour, and I think our students are having a great learning experience.  However, one of things we seem to need a refresher course is being considerate while traveling.  We have spoken with them quite a bit, but I think it would also help coming from you.

When you speak to your child tonight or tomorrow morning, please take a moment to talk to your child about consideration.  In the hotel room, we are not the only guests there.  Families with children, men and women on business, and other patrons share the hotel with us, and our students right now are way too loud with their doors, their footsteps, and their voices.

Also, our students are having a problem remembering to clean up after themselves.  Whether it is in a restaurant, or on our coach, they need to remember that if they don't clean up after themselves, they are just creating an unnecessary job for someone else.

Thank you so much for your help in this matter.  I believe that if we both send this strong message together, it will be that much more effective.  Even if think, "Never MY child!" please send the message anyway, and encourage your child to be a role model to others.

Warm regards,
Ron Ippolito

Ron Ippolito
Rio Norte Junior High School


Dolly Lopez said...

Sorry to hear that you are having to speak to this group more than once about common courtesy. The next time I speak with Lucas I will definately remind him to mind his manners, and to pick up after himself while he's away.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Dolly, and will speak with Celine too. She sure is having fun! I love the pictures of her sleeping on the boat. . .have a great day tomorrow!

Simona said...

Mr. Ippolito, thank you for telling us, I spoke with Celine and reminded her about the expected behaviour f=during the trip.
Simona Bot

Doris said...

I am sorry to hear this Mr. Ippolito. I have spoken to Katherine tonight, and reminded her of the type of behavior and responsibility I expect from her to go on a trip of this sort. Thank You for letting us know about this. I hope our calls will help. Please do not hesitate to call on me for anything else you need.

Dawna Countryman said...

Mr. Ippolito,
I appreciate your email and I will have a conversation with Kayla. I know she is very excited and is having an amazing time; however, being courteous and considerate is most important!!
You have done a tremendous job making this an unforgettable trip for all of the students. I am so sorry that you had to send out this "call for help".
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason.
Thanks Mr. Ippolito!!!

marilyn said...

Mr. Ippolito, I'm Kayla's grandmother. You are amazing. I am really enjoying the posted photos and great comments. I hope the kids who need to get their act together. Continue to have a great time. Marilyn