Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New photos are online

For Day 5.  A fun, full day with the kiddos today.  Enjoy the pics!!  We're on our way back home tomorrow.



Doris said...

Thank you for the pictures Mr Ippolito, they were magnificent. You took this groupie to some of the places I would like to see some day. For now the pics are enough. I really can't wait to see my favorite two faces tomorrow. I bet there is one little sweet face you are missing too. See you all tomorrow, safe journey home.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing journey for these kids! Thanks Mr. & Mrs. Ippolito for taking good care of our kids and showing them the historical lanmarks of our country! Have a safe trip home, we'll see you back at Rio Norte tonight. :)
Jan Clark

Lori Pope said...

Wow! I sure the kids will remember this trip for a long time to come. Thanks so much for capturing their trip in pictures which will really solidify the memories. They are so fortunate to have this opportunity and we are all fortunate to have you, Mrs. Ippolito and the chaperones who have put forth so much effort to make this all possible. THANK YOU! Have a safe trip home!

Daryn Teague said...

I want to add my thanks. In addition to the detailed planning for this trip, the amazing itinerary and the thoughtful care for our kids, your efforts to provide frequent realtime updates on this blog really allowed us parents to come along for the week (without the part about horrifying our kids, of course). Thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. Ippolito!